Here's a list of pages on our website
Coverage and benefits
- Plan benefits and forms
Policies, procedures and forms
Added benefits and wellness
- Ask a nurse
- Flu shots
- Shingles vaccines
- Resources For Living®
- Stay well: Mental health matters
- Telehealth
Extra benefits
Find doctors and prescription drugs
Find a doctor or provider
Prescription drugs
- Check our drug list
- Find a pharmacy
- Mail order pharmacy
- Medication Therapy Management
- Extra help paying for prescriptions
- The Medicare Prescription Payment Plan
Retiree informational hub
- Learn more about Medicare
- Understand your Medicare needs
- It’s time to enroll in Medicare
- Welcome to the Aetna family
Contact us
Webinars & Meetings
About Us
Safeguarding Data
Reducing the use of SSNs
Nondiscrimination notice
Quality Management & Improvement Efforts
Coverage decisions, appeals and grievances
Payer-to-Payer Health Data Exchange
Internet-Based Ads Policy
Fraud and abuse
Terms of Use
Privacy Policy
SMU Plan Benefits
Medicare coverage determinations